We Are Back Online!
Once again we apologize for the service outage today.
We know that outages are inconvenient and make it difficult to move along your day.
That's why we are happy to announce that the problem has been fixed and all services are back online.
If you have any questions or are still experiencing issues with your service(s) feel free to contact our Support Department.
Kind Regards,
Support Team Datasur
Beste relatie,
Hierbij willen wij onder uw aandacht brengen dat er momenteel een stroomonderbreking is in het datacenter. De generatoren zijn ingekomen, maar momenteel wordt er niet voldoende stroom geleverd. Uit voorzorg adviseren wij u om het fail-over traject in te zetten. Indien u een stagnatie merkt in het gebruikmaken van uw dienst, vragen wij u dit te escaleren naar Support Afdeling.
Kind Regards,
Support Team Datasur
We want to inform you that there is a power outage in the data center. While the generators have did come in, the current power supply is insufficient. As a precautionary measure, we recommend initiating the fail-over process.
Should you experience any disruptions in using our service, kindly escalate the issue to our Support Department. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Support Team Datasur