Announcement: Urgent Maintenance; memory expansion 01.11.2024

Dear Relation,  We would like to inform you that urgent maintenance is scheduled for tonight from 22:00 PM to 01:00 AM. During this time, provisioning of services will be temporarily unavailable. The maintenance window is set for three hours; however, we may complete the work sooner than anticipated. Thank you for your understanding. If ...

Issue and resolved

Dear Relation, We hereby inform you that the issue regarding and have been resolved. Your email and web hosting services should now be fully operational.   If you encounter any further issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out for support by emailing or by opening a ticket.

Urgent Maintenance on DNS Resolution for and cps2.datasurcloud.sr_24.10.2024

Dear Relation,    We would like to inform you that urgent maintenance and troubleshooting are now being performed on our servers and to address a DNS resolving issue. During this maintenance and troubleshooting you may experience temporary interruptions when using the email and web hosting ...

Herstelwerkzaamheden Internationale glasvezelverbindingen Telesur voltooid_21.10.2024

Beste klant, Wij willen u informeren dat de herstelwerkzaamheden op de internationale glasvezelverbindingen van Telesur succesvol zijn afgerond. De volledige capaciteit van de diensten is hersteld, en u kunt weer zonder onderbreking gebruikmaken van de internetdiensten. Wij danken u voor uw geduld en begrip tijdens deze periode. Mocht u nog ...

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