Starting March 1st, 2023, email addresses are no longer supported by Telesur.
What does this mean for you?
- The service will cease to exist
- You will have to use a new e-mail address.
- If you have subscribed to other parties with your account, you will have to replace this with your new email address
What should you do now?
- First off you can activate email auto responders and forwarders in your environment.
- Make a backup of your email data.
- And you can also Purchase a .sr domain and mail or web hosting plan at Datasur.
Please follow the next steps to order your .sr services:
Step 1: Register a .sr domain name:
Insert your desired domain name into this search field.
You will receive a message if your domain name is available or not.
Step 2: Add a Mail or Web Hosting plan
Once the domain has been registered, you can connect a Mail or Web hosting plan to your domain.
Our Mail plan: allows you to send mails.
Our Web Hosting plan: With this plan you can send e-mails, and also host a website.
Before your complete your order please enter your personal details and billing information to checkout.
Step 3: Access your cPanel platform
You will receive an e-mail with the credential to access and manage your cPanel environment.
You can then add and remove e-mail accounts yourself.
Step 4: In case you need Support
You can log a support ticket 24/7 in our ticketing portal. We also offer Service Level Agreements.
This allows you a number of hours of support.
Our online platform is easy to use but in case you need assistance we can be reached through our email