Geachte Relatie, Gezien de toenemende trend van het COVID-19-virus in Suriname, zullen wij vanaf woensdag 10 januari 2024 de volgende werkrichtlijnen implementeren: De medewerkers zullen vanaf bovengenoemde datum, tot en met 31 Januari 2024, geen klantbezoeken afleggen. Echter zullen zij gedurende deze periode wel telefonisch, per mail en per ...
Dear Relation, Through this message, we would like to inform you that our parent company Telesur will perform some necessary maintenance work on the 16th of January 2024, from 0:00 AM-03:00 AM. This maintenance work regards configuration changes on the transport network. As a result of this, the below mentioned sites will experience a ...
Dear relation, Through this message we would like to inform you that there will be some maintenance work. This maintenance work regards the renewal of the SSL certificate on This maintenance work is planned for 22-12-2023 from 21:00 PM until 23:00 PM. During this timeframe orders won't be processed, and domains will not be ...
Dear relation, Through this message we would like to inform you that there will be some maintenance work. This maintenance work regards adding two essential files to the This maintenance work is planned from 21:00 PM until 22:00 PM. During this timeframe the mail and webhosting services will be unavailable. In the ...